Does Boric Acid Cure Yeast Infections?

Does boric acid cure yeast infections? Yeast infections, also known as vaginitis, are a common ailment that can cause itching, discharge, and pain in the vagina. They can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience, especially if you’re getting them more frequently than usual, which is called recurrent yeast infection.

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Antifungal medications, like topical fluconazole and oral nystatin, are common treatment options for this condition. However, sometimes they aren’t enough to get rid of the fungus and your provider may have you try another medication or an OTC solution.

Boric acid is a weak acid that is used in over 500 products in the United States, from pesticides to personal care items. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties that make it an effective treatment for a number of women’s health conditions.

Boric acid is a safe and affordable alternative to traditional antifungal medicines, and it works on some Candida strains that are resistant to azole antifungal treatments. It can be purchased over-the-counter or by prescription as a vaginal suppository, and it’s proven to help reduce the symptoms of recurrent yeast infections.

Studies show that boric acid can cure yeast infections in women who have recurrent yeast infection four or more times in a year. It’s an effective, safe alternative to traditional antifungal medicines that target the fungus’ outer layer in a different way. It can even help prevent recurrence of an infection by reducing the amount of bacterial mucus that grows in the vagina.

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