PROS: Electric used cars cost less to own than gas-powered vehicles. EVs also typically have fewer mechanical components, which means maintenance costs are lower. Moreover, an EV’s battery doesn’t need oil changes or a timing belt. However, if you plan on buying a used EV, it’s important to understand how much value these vehicles depreciate over time. According to Edmunds, the average trade-in value of a 2-year-old EV is about 52% of the car’s original MSRP.
CONS: EV batteries lose storage capacity over time. The good news is that a well-maintained battery can still last for decades. However, a battery that’s neglected can experience significant degradation, especially after several summers in the driveway or hundreds of charging cycles. To determine if an EV’s battery is healthy, ask the seller to show you its “SoH” (state of health), or current state of capacity, which is displayed on the infotainment system.
Making the Eco-Friendly Choice: Electric Used Cars
Take the EV for a test drive on hills and flat roads and in different weather conditions. This will help you gauge whether its range estimate matches up with your driving habits and local infrastructure. Also, consider the possibility of a battery replacement warranty or a service contract. These are often offered as an option or included in a car’s financing. For example, a 5-year/60,000-mile service plan or battery warranty can add up to a significant savings.